Sunday, July 31, 2011

LGBT discrimination: rights and mental health

As we already have LGBT embarrassment and guilt of fraud, but can we feel well now to pressure hid our true identity so that we can use services such as shelter, support groups or lines of the crisis. The belief is, if I am misrepresenting the move for more acceptance and care for my situation. Or there is pressure, "come out", for help and the risk is not confidential and loss of home, job, Babysitting, etc. Our LGBT status, made public as nothing in their treatment is absolutely confidential especial, if enforcement of changing events in the life of those concerned, negative may happen due to a lack of statutory local and/or State. We have a limited protection in comparison to our benefit to the alternate move. Disheartening that even with me sharing this information with you, it will be many who will not take further and seek help!

LGBT victims often do not financially connected to his partner, thus ending a relationship is met with Little resistance in the money. What if while is conjoined financial responsibilities such as paying the mortgage, there are no legal structures which ensure that the assets shall be distributed equally. Continuum has a notion of how much statutory protection and how we are sitting ducks to risk everything for who we are.

Conventional resources for domestic violence often lack the training, expertise and sensitivity to understand relationships, LGBT RIGHTS and abuse. We are dealing with bias, stereotypes and homophobia. Society also uses the information to establish that gay men hit each other as another reason why homosexuality is immoral and it allows you to find the true and the difficulties of aid and to make us feel even more isolated and alone in our pain.

Even more painful for me is that my own community is unsupportive of one of us is abused and hurt. As small as our Community is often abuse will travel soon to our circles and take up sides, as well as to provoke disgust of abuse from within our social networks. This allows victims even more exposed and vulnerable.

We have to fight so hard for the public to accept us, many people want to maintain or create an image that there are no problems or distort behavior in our community. There is concern in the US, if we can give this world any more reasons to set us aside, that we will never achieve freedom, so we hide our component koscca found in our Community, instead of creating a bridge of a healthier and fight more fights more supported! Which is again what drives me everyday needs assistance of my Community healthier, happier and supported?

If we cannot confirm that gays have serious problems, such as drugs, alcohol, violence, fraud, like any other community, resources remain limited and we will continue to suffer!

They were met with support, as well as resistance to my new journey on building link and bring together and connecting as many LGBTs as possible, but if you do not know each other and that we are to assume that we feel alone. I don't want to feel that way myself, why would I want anyone else particularly one of my own? I'm not better then anyone else and I don't deserve, no longer or any less then anyone else and you're also not!

Alex Karydi ~ Lesbian Guru

I am an internationally Certified drug and alcohol counselor, who has been trained in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender LGBT issues. I write to as their expert relationship Lesbian and'm featured writer on My intention is to run the movement towards a healthier and more supportive Community! If you can find each other, LGBTs learn from each other and build a stronger system of support. Alone, I'm on a personal exploration in the discovery of a healthier relationship of gays and self-fulfillment.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to e-mail me at with ExaminerQ as a title or follow me on my! Or simply Join The Lesbian Revolution of health and Love at

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