If you feel attracted to another woman and you are experiencing guilt or are feeling bewildered by your emotions, it is important that you do not worry about your sexuality. Many women throughout adolescence and beyond will find another woman attractive and this attraction could be formed through a number of reasons. If your attraction continues and you begin to feel sexually attracted to those of the same sex, then you need to embrace your sexuality and start feeling comfortable with the way you are and not feeling ashamed or hiding away.
There is a wider acceptance of the same sex relationships nowadays although it may be difficult for you to pluck up the courage to tell those close to you depending on your relationship with them and how open they are. You don't have to do the typical 'coming out' speech, instead you could let the right moment appear and then hold your head high when you tell people how you feel. If your friends are genuine, then they will understand, you are still you after all. Your family may take some time to come to terms with your revelation especially if they had no idea, but love is strong and acceptance usually follows.
Just remember that it is important that you are always true to yourself irrespective of who you date, you have every right to feel happy and to be in love, and love after all is not just for heterosexuals.
Many women hide their true feelings for a long time, hoping the confusion will fade and some women even date men in an effort to get over their female crushes. In essence they lie to themselves as much as they lie to others. If your feelings are for another woman, then you should not have to fight that but accept that it is the way that you are. It does not make you less of a person. It is your identity.
If your environment is very closed minded and you feel isolated by your sexual choices, it is important not to bottle up your feelings but to talk to someone. If you need help in accepting your sexuality, then it might be an idea to talk to a professional counsellor because they will be able to help you in a number of ways including:
Assuring you about your sexualityHelping you to come to terms with itHelping to affirm your sense of self beliefHelping you to boost your confidenceBeing a lesbian is just a label, loving another woman is what you do. Many people forget that if you date a woman, you are as much about caring for that woman as it is about your sexual feelings for her. Too much attention is paid to sexual activities and not about the romantic and loving elements of a gay relationship. If you can put your fears and doubts to one side and embrace your sexuality and the person you are, then irrespective of who you date, you will be able to focus on more important issues such as building a strong relationship for your future.
Jim Moustakas is the CEO of My Life Assistant Pty Ltd an online counseling and life coaching interactive platform. My Life Assistant provides a live 24 hour counseling or coaching service by qualified counselors, psychologists and life coaches from around the world. To get full access now please visit http://www.mylifeassistant.com/SignUp.aspx select whether you are a general user or a therapist and get started right away.
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