I feel compelled to share some of the wisdom I've acquired about souls and how they relate to the issue of people being labeled as gay. This is some of the metaphysics behind the truths I have found which explain and finally brings to light what being gay really is.
This is a polarizing topic to say the least, with strong opinions on each side of the topic. Some people are against what is referred to as homosexuality and believe that there is something wrong with people who fall into that category. Gay people in our society have been persecuted for their nature and although over time the public appears to be getting more and more tolerant of these peoples choices, there still remains a lot of sick psychotic opposition to gay people having rights and being treated like any other human being.
If you look at the trend, it's just a matter of time when people laugh at the fact that at one time in our history homosexuality was considered a bad thing. It will soon be common place and something that is normal and acceptable in the near future, just look at the way homosexuals are obtaining more and more tolerance and acceptability from society. Well except for the middle east where man's immature consciousness is very slow in awakening from its fear of what it sees in the mirror.
Opposite of Love is Fear
So what were all the intolerance, anger and non acceptance about in the first place? Well fear of course. If god is love, then the polarity of that which is the darkest things that men do derives from its opposite, which is fear. The opposite of love is fear, not hate. Hate is a byproduct of fear and man's fear always precedes his hate.
Our world, or society, is on a constant expansion of consciousness, is constantly maturing. We are growing up in more ways than one. And at each maturation level we are exposed to more and more truths and we have to process it and be OK with it. Our first response when faced with new and different occurrences is to react in fear. To say no, to fight against the change be it people or information.
A famous and obvious example is of the so called colored people in our society. How did society, the haves, deal with the influx of other people who had not? At first they reacted sternly with no! And as time went on, we now have a black president.
This is the way of the world, of human nature since the fall of man. Be it people from Africa being labeled slaves, or people from Mexico being labeled as illegals, or people who are just being true to their nature being called homosexuals. We tend to react in fear and say no, then eventually we seem to accept what is. Eckhart Tolle and Buddha both say:
"all suffering comes from not accepting what is".
Now that we have had this little walk down memory lane on how society tends to react with "no"; at new and different information. Here is something else that eventually will be accepted for the truth that it is.
What causes someone to be Gay?
We are not humans having spiritual experiences; we are spirits having a human experience. The true nature of a spirit is androgynous, neither male nor female. There is no gender in the spirit world which is the true nature of our existence. Gender is something that is experienced in physical reality, which is a creation of the spirit world.
Spirits created our world, our universe in order to play in it to have experiences. Why? Because they can. In truth there is only one spirit and all other spirits are copies of this source spirit. See the prime radiant for more info.
Spirits incarnate into our physical world in human form and live their lives as us in an ever evolving, never ending story that is the totality of our worlds and universes. In the game being played out on Earth there are about 300 million individual souls playing the part of the over 7 billion people on the planet. This includes every man woman and child that has ever lived and will live also. We have come before and we shall come again. Each soul can have up to 12 concurrent lives here on Earth. The number of our universe is 12. These concurrent lives may be of male or female or a mixture of both.
Spirits enter into the "Earth game" for periods of different cycles. The long cycle is the procession of the equinox which is the time it takes the sun to complete its orbit of the Milky Way galaxy; about 25,900 years.
Everything in the Universe spins, as movement is the nature of life. We are alive because our blood cells circulate our bodies once every 30 seconds. The Earth, which is a living being, spins on its axis once every 24 hours. The moon spins around the Earth. The Earth spins around the Sun, and unbeknownst to most people who exit society's public school system, the Sun also moves in a circle around our galaxy and its central sun Alcyone (all see one). This is the aforementioned long cycle of 25,900 years. There are even larger cycles above this where our galaxy spins around larger objects. This goes on never ending to infinity. But the human mind has difficulty understanding infinity and things this large and amazing. It brings up the fear response mentioned above and this is why we don't teach, acknowledge or even believe this when we hear it. It's much too scary.
That was the Macro version as things get bigger. Life also does the same cycles and maturation on the microscopic levels. That same blood cell which circles the body every 30 seconds is made of things we call atoms, which contain things like a nucleolus, which looks and acts like a sun because things we call protons and electrons go around it in a circle. Things actually get smaller and smaller without end to infinity also.
This is how amazingly powerful the world we live in is, just imagine how beyond our understanding the spirit world which created all this is? Do not try to understand it with your mind, you will likely just be in fear and choose not to believe what is. It is simple easier for society, up until now to simply say, we do not know, and ignore all possibilities.
But like the Africans and the Mexicans and the Gays, eventually the truth of accepting what IS works its way into the mind and consciousness of society and as humanity accepts these truths, it grows in consciousness.
So now we are being told that spirits incarnate into humanity over and over, that we have all had many lives here on Earth, that at the soul level we are truly immortal, that there is really no devil or hell, this was simply once again man using fear to shift the blame from himself. It was better to say that the devil made me do it. Everyone really goes back to the spirit world which is more like heaven than anything else, and that the true nature of reality is based on love, and that everything else is really just an illusion.
Part of the illusion of Earth existence is duality, plurality. Everything on Earth has an opposite and everything is defined by its opposite. This is all to set up the fact that we can choose to see, do and believe this or that. It truth, in the spirit world there is just oneness and everyone knows peace and joy. Worlds like Earth were created so that spirits would have a place to experience polarized versions of the spirit world. We could now be this thing called male or female. Believe it or not there are worlds where there are 3 of everything, even 3 genders. Those are in trinary systems. Here we are in a binary system and so there are 2 of everything. Now you know why everything you see created by our computers is based on the binary system. It is the base system of this universe we are playing in. The spirits playfully introduce this info everywhere like in the episode of Fringe called "there is two of everything".
So now you have a slightly better understanding of how there are 2 genders for us to play with. And as we incarnate from lifetime to lifetime we sometimes live lives as male and others as female. We even go through cycles that are masculine and famine. We are actually now coming out of a patriarchal cycle or age here on Earth. Which means that the focus was on the masculine nature of our existence? As you can see it has been out of balance and far too masculine. This has led to much war, strife and suffering.
Before that though we were in a more matriarchal cycle where there were talks of the divine feminine. Where woman were more appreciated and respected and there was more peace and caring and a nurturing way of things, which is the way of the feminine. Think about the Native American and how they saw the Earth as a mother. How some faiths center on Jesus and yet with others, the main focus is on his mother Mary.
Now you understand the true meaning of the Yin and Yang as it applies to cycles in creation. Our world is based on duality and polarity and the many choices we get to experience due to these aspects of its nature.
The soul as it incarnates into physical reality tends to seek balance as it gathers experiences and grows as a soul. It does not spend every life here as male or vice versa. It tends to balances itself over time. One of the things happening now on Earth is that we are at the end of a great cycle and that is what all the 2012 stuff is about. We are also leaving a patriarchal cycle and trying to bring that into balance to where it is both male and female equally. This balance of masculine and feminine is more on a larger scale energetically where we are dealing with the nature of these energies, and not so much as on the sexual aspects, which is what society mostly sees. Consider that there are indeed grander aspects of being masculine and feminine at play here than just our sexual parts and who we want to sleep with.
When you see someone who is say... a gay woman for example, what you have is a soul whose last lives or past lives left it with a more masculine nature. And since souls are immortal they retain the thoughts, likes, dislikes, urges, needs, traits from their accumulative existences. This means that this is a soul whose nature is more masculine in nature and now it has chosen to incarnate in a female body.
Now the reasons for choosing to incarnate in a female body can be many. The obvious reason is to balance its energies which may be well overdue. Some souls like to be male all the time and some choose to be female. It is just a free choice preference that we are allowed to make. But over time, their true nature is androgynous so when it is all said and done, to actually graduate from Earth school, with honors, one tends to have to be balanced. So the reason for choosing a female body this life time can be simply just to balance.
With this attempt to balance, society sees a female that likes other females. And this is the truth behind homosexuality. So yes, she was born that way. No one makes you gay; it is from your true nature and your incarnations over time. This is why people find themselves in bodies of a gender that seems to cause a bit of confusion when they apply societal norms, fears and values. In the end, when one has the full picture, we see what we find whenever we take a close look at creation, that there really is no problem, that everything is as it should be. When we accept what IS, there is no suffering.
Creation is Perfect
The creator and therefore creation is perfect, loving, and we are all nurtured and encompassed in unconditional love. Society tends to believe at times that it is not OK, and says no! But it tends to eventually see that this is always (all ways) OK.
So put away the fear of that other version of you who is masculine and now finds itself in a female body. When you hate others you hate yourself. Your enemy is your inner me. Remember it is only you playing the Earth game, where you forget who you are and have an experience as someone else on Earth. You have been every race, every gender, every class, the good guy and the bad guy. And all suffering, war, hate or strife came from you choosing to be that way to the other version of you. And when you decide you have had enough, you will stop and have a thousand years of peace, joy and prosperity.
And if you are one of these souls who feel ashamed or regret who you are due to societal limits, know that you are perfect because you exist. You are needed at this time. The creator is flooding our world with feminine energy so that we can bring this masculine age into balance before we enter the Age of Aquarius. This is why there are so many females being born in India at the present time. Remember there are only about 300 million souls playing this game, so many of the masculine inclined souls have chosen to enter as female to support the cause and the creators call. So you are a perfect divine servant of the creator who is here to bring the Earth into balance, even though you knew the price you would pay initially in order to bring about balance. You are perfect. Same goes for men who find themselves being feminine in nature. It accomplishes the same thing; more feminine energy on Earth. These are also more advanced souls who were selected to play the so called "gay" role. Many were called and few were chosen.
So here you have the truth behind homosexuality. Will you accept what is? What say ye?
For more information on the nature of the spirit world, get and read "Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton, and "Conversation with God" by Neale Donald Walsch. Also lots of stuff on souls, Angels and the true nature of reality at my blog CreationIsLove.com. And if you simply really dig this metaphysical stuff, then go to my Bashar page on my blog and enjoy.
Norman Bird is a student/teacher of New Age Spirituality, Meta Physics, Healing & Alchemy. I blog at CreationIsLove.com. I also maintain LightWorkersDirectory.com
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